[来源:www.zhongpinshebei.com] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-05-04]

若有中高频感应器打火方面的问题,请点击原文链接寻求解决方案或直接咨询 182-1757-1296,提供行业内最权威的解决方案. Hf light sensors, if any, please click the original link to seek solutions or direct consultation 182-1757-1296, provide the industry the most authoritative solution. 一般情况下,中频电源的故障按照故障现象分为完全不能起动和起动后不能正常工作两大类。作为一般的原则,当出现故障后,应在断电的情况下对整个系统作全面检查,它包括以下几个方面: In general, the failure of medium frequency power supply is divided into two major categories, which are completely unable to start and start after failure. As a general principle, when a failure occurs, the entire system should be inspected in the event of a power failure, which includes the following aspects: 1 1 电源 The power supply 用万用表测一下主电路开关(接触器)和控制保险丝后面是否有电,这将排除这些元件断路的可能性。 Use the multimeter to determine whether the main circuit switch (contactor) and the control of the fuse have electricity, which eliminates the possibility of these components being broken. 2 2 整流器 rectifier 整流器采用三相全控桥式整流电路,它包括六个快速熔断器、六个晶闸管。在快速熔断器上有一个红色的指示器,正常时指示器缩在外壳里边,当快熔烧断后它将弹出,有些快熔的指示器较紧,当快熔烧断后,它会卡在里面,所以为可靠起见,可以用万用表通断档测一下快熔,以判断它是否烧断。 The rectifier adopts three-phase fully controlled bridge rectifier circuit, which consists of six fast fuse and six thyristor. On quick fuse has a red indicator, indicator when normal shrinkage in the shell, when burning of fuse break it will pop up, some of the fast fuse indicator is tight, when the fuse to burn, it get stuck inside, so, to be reliable, can use a multimeter discontinuity measure of fuse, to determine whether it burn out. 测量晶闸管的简单方法是用万用表电阻挡(200Ω挡)测一下其阴极—阳极、门极—阴极电阻,测量时晶闸管不用取下来。正常情况下,阳极—阴极间电阻应为无穷大,门极—阴极电阻应在10—50Ω之间,过大或过小都表明这只晶闸管门极失效,它将不能被触发导通。 Simple method of thyristor is measured in multimeter electric block (200 Ω block), measure the cathode, anode, the gate, the cathode resistor, when measuring the thyristor not down. Under normal circumstances, should be infinite resistance between the anode, cathode and gate - cathode resistor should be between 10 to 50 Ω, too big or too small that the thyristor gate failure, it will not be able to trigger conduction. 3 3 逆变器 inverter 逆变器包括N只快速晶闸管和N只脉冲变压器,可以按上述方法检查。 The inverter consists of N only fast thyristor and N pulse transformer, which can be checked by the above method. 4 4 变压器 transformer 每个变压器的每个绕组都应该是通的,一般原边阻值约有几十欧姆,次极几欧姆。应该注意:中频电压互感器的原边与负载并联,所以其电阻值为零。 Every windings of each transformer should be connected, and the original margin of resistance is about a dozen ohms, a few ohms. It should be noted that the original side of the transformer is parallel to the load, so its resistance value is zero.

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友链:玻璃钢管 蠕动泵 护坡砖模具
