[来源:www.zhongpinshebei.com] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-05-08]

中频电源的研发在最近几年呈现出专业化和快速的趋势,中频电源凭借着加热速度快、加热均匀等优势,被广泛的应用在工业及生活领域。中频电源在工作原理方面,也与普通的加热电源有着很大不同,本文将会通过对其工作原理的叙述,为大家解读中频电源加热快、效率高的秘密所在。 Research and development of intermediate frequency power supply in recent years presents the specialization and the trend of fast, medium frequency power supply with the advantages of the heating speed and uniform heating, were widely used in industrial and living fields. Medium frequency power supply in terms of working principle, also has very different with the ordinary heating power, this article will through the account of its working principle, interpretation of intermediate frequency power supply for you quick heating, high efficiency of secret. 中频电源与普通的感应加热模块一样,也是采用了导体磁束加热的模式。用交流电流流向被卷曲成环状的导体,这种导体通常情况下会采用铜管这种材料,由此产生磁束。将金属放置其中,磁束就会贯通金属体,在与磁束自缴的方向产生涡电流,也就是大家所熟悉的旋转电流,于是感应电流在涡电流的影响下产生发热,用这样的加热方式就是感应加热。由此,对金属等被加热物体在无需直接接触的状态下就能获得加热效果,亦称谓非接触加热。 The medium frequency power supply is the same as the normal induction heating module, and also the pattern of conductor magnetic beam heating. The flow of electricity flows to a conductor, which is curled into a ring, which is normally used in a copper tube, resulting in a magnetic beam. Place the metal which the magnetic beam will be well versed in the metal body, the eddy current and the direction of magnetic beam from capture, is everyone acquaint with of spin current, and the induced current in the eddy current fever, under the influence of in this heating mode is induction heating. Thus, the heating effect of the heated object, such as metal, can be obtained without direct contact. 此时,涡电流将会在线圈接近的物体上集中,感应加热表现出在物体的表面上较强里边较弱的特点,用这样的原理来对被加热体的必要的地方集中加热,达到瞬间加热的效果,从而提高生产效率和工作量等。 At this point, the eddy current will be concentrated on coil near objects, induction heating showed strong on the surface of the object and the characteristics of the weak, use this principle to be the necessary parts of the centralized heating heating body, achieve the result of transient heating, thus improve the production efficiency and workload, etc. 当然了,使用中频电源进行加热的成功与否,直接取决于感应线圈设置是否合理,以及加热体的大小、形状、间距等等。感应线圈是要做到均匀加热、加热效果好,并且要有强度和准确度。感应线圈是一般用一圈或数圈的铜管来做,一般采用水冷的方式对线圈进行冷却。 And, of course, the success of using intermediate frequency power supply for heating, directly depends on the induction coil set is reasonable, and the heating body size, shape, spacing and so on. Induction coils are to be evenly heated, heated, and to be strong and accurate. Induction coils are usually made from a coil or a few coils of copper tube, and the coil is normally cooled by water cooling. 中频电源的感应线圈是高效加热的关键所在,而无需直接触碰就可以快速加热的优势,因此中频电源迅速得到广大用户的青睐和接纳认可,广泛应用于金属加热领域。 Induction coil of intermediate frequency power supply is the key to efficient heating, without the need for direct contact with touch can the advantages of rapid heating, so the intermediate frequency power supply quickly recognised by the masses of users favor and acceptance, widely used in metal heating field.

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地址:保定清苑工业区金线河堤南,保清公路保沧高速桥北,兴盛路东行300米兴盛路9号 手机:13503128018 电话:0312-7966818 联系人:高先生 网址:www.zhongpindianlu.com.cn
友链:玻璃钢管 蠕动泵 护坡砖模具
