[来源:www.zhongpinshebei.com] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-05-18]

一、中频电源系统维护 One, medium frequency power supply system maintenance   系统维护分为三大部分:水路系统,液压系统和电气系统,重点是电气系统的维护。 System maintenance is divided into three main parts: water system, hydraulic system and electrical system, the key is the maintenance of electrical system.   实践证明:中频电源系统绝大多数故障的发生与水路有直接关系。因此,水路要求水质、水压、水温、流量务必达到设备规定要求。 It has been proved that most of the faults of the CFD system are directly related to the waterway. Therefore, water, water pressure, water temperature and flow must meet the requirements of the equipment.   电气系统的维护: 电气系统必须定期检修,由于主回路连接部分容易发热,从而引起打火,出现许多莫名故障。 Electrical system maintenance: electrical systems must be preventive maintenance, as the primary loop connection parts easy to fever, leading to a lighter, many strange problems. 二、中频电源系统常见故障的检测方法(只介绍电气系统) Testing methods of common fault in intermediate frequency power supply system (only electrical system)   ㈠.检测常用仪器仪表: To test the common instrumentation:   数字式万用表,绝缘摇表,电感电容表,示波器(专业人员用)。 Digital multimeter, insulation table, inductance capacitor gauge, oscilloscope (professional use).   ㈡.系统主回路方框原理图: System main circuit box diagram:   断路器 三相全波整流和滤波 逆变和中频负载三相交流输入 Circuit breaker three-phase full wave rectifier and filter inverse and medium frequency load three phase ac input   ㈢.系统检测: Checking:   系统检测分四部分. The systematic examination is divided into four parts.   1.控制系统的检测(断路器及其控制部分) Control system (circuit breaker and its control) 这部分检测比较简单.一般电工根据断路器说明书和系统主回路图中的控制原理图即可检测. This part of the test is simple. The general electrician can be tested according to the control principle in the circuit breaker and the system main circuit diagram.   检测结果应为断路器操作正常,门板按钮和指示灯正常. The test result should be the circuit breaker operation normally, the door plate button and the indicator light are normal.

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地址:保定清苑工业区金线河堤南,保清公路保沧高速桥北,兴盛路东行300米兴盛路9号 手机:13503128018 电话:0312-7966818 联系人:高先生 网址:www.zhongpindianlu.com.cn
友链:玻璃钢管 蠕动泵 护坡砖模具
